What is “Agile”?

Agile started out as is a set of software development methods in which solutions evolve through iteration and collaboration. As Wikipedia puts it, “it promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement and encourages rapid and flexible response to change.”

Since then, Agile principles have been applied to project management, marketing, sales, and at Remix, for design. We believe this method is the perfect solution for small and new businesses, since it delivers the most value for your limited time and resources, under continually evolving conditions.

What are “Sprints”?

A sprint is just the industry word for the more fancy phrase, “iteration cycle”. For us it is simple–it’s how we keep track of a job's time and productivity. Though the length of sprints vary across companies, Remix Design uses three-week sprints.

Each sprint’s deliverable is working, stable product, that is viable for release. No bugs in the software, or works-in-progress designs. That way, real value is continually delivered to you every three weeks. This also enables the project to adapt to changes mid-way with minimum friction. Each subsequent sprint adds new features, improvements and enhancements.

You can book any number of sprints for your project, with a minimum of one and a maximum of nine. If your desired goals cannot be accomplished in your desired number of sprints, according to our estimates, we will work with you to decide on what features are most critical, and you will still receive a stable minimum viable product.

Availability of your team members will be guaranteed for the sprints you book. If estimates determine that a single project will take more than nine sprints, it will be broken up into separate projects.

15% of those who had worked with an agency were so satisfied, they wished they would have increased their budget.

47% of them wished they spent over 15k. 21% wished they spent over 110k. 12% wished they spent more 1100k.

Source: SurveyMonkey Audience Primary Research

Your First Sprints

Your first few sprints will include lots of client collaboration, such as brainstorming on key ideas and concepts relating to your brand and your goals. Your first few deliverables may be style guides and wireframes, which enable us to gather general feedback about design direction, without investing too much time in complete designs too early on.

With these approved, we go into development and create the first prototypes, putting the wireframe and style guide into the browser with temporary content, and going about making it work. By end of sprint, this prototype will act as your Minimum Viable Product, and be stable and perform at least one required function bug-free.

From then on, designs will always be presented as iterative improvements to the prototype. Each sprint refines the design and adds new functionality.


Sprint planning meetings occur at the beginning of each sprint, in which sprint goals are determined, and each task’s workload estimated. This accurately sets expectations to the client as to what they can expect delivered at sprint’s end.


We have daily 15-minute meetings, where we discuss yesterday’s accomplishments, today’s tasks, and bring up concerns and blockers for discussion. We prioritize finishing one goal at a time over inefficient multitasking.


At Remix, we believe in total transparency and communication, never keeping you in the dark. Sprint reviews are where we share our latest accomplishment with our client. This can be done in person or online.

At the sprint review, your feedback on the project is captured. Any features that are not commented on are considered approved. To ensure satisfaction, we also collect your feedback on your experience as a client, including what you thought went well, and what should be done differently.


A “backlog” is a collection of to-dos for the project, and for your account as a whole. It enables new ideas to be captured right away, but stored for later discussion and prioritization.

Each client has their own backlog. Clients also join us for backlog grooming meetings, where we pull items from the backlog to work on in the next sprint.

Want to learn more about what the Agile process can do for you? Call now, or come in for a free 2 hour consultation.

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